Syria, 200 Pounds, 2009.
Obv: The Norias of Hama (Arabic: نواعير حماة) are several Norias ("wheels of pots") along the Orontes River in the city of Hama, Syria. Only seventeen of the original Norias remain. The Nur Al-Din Mosque (Arabic: جامع نور الدين) orJami Nur al-Din is a Zengid-era mosque in Hama, Syria. It was founded by Nur al-Din in 1163-64 CE. It also contained a historic Minbar from the same date, which is now held at the local Hama Museum.
Rev: Decorated Ceiling of the southern niche, at the Temple of Bel at ancient Palmyra. The decoration of this ceiling was purely ornamental; in 1753 its design became known in Europe through engravings based on drawings by Giovanni Battista Borra. The Temple of Bel (Arabic: معبد بل), sometimes also referred to as the "Temple of Baal", was an ancient temple located in Palmyra, Syria.